Limitless Mind Clearing Method
Celestial Method to clear limiting believes

If you think that others need to change for you to be happy, you probably hold limiting beliefs buried deep in your mind. These beliefs affect how you see and interact with others.
These beliefs can lead to misunderstandings and problems between you and other people.
Think about believing that your partner or someone you’d like to be with has to fit into a certain mould.
What’s really happening here is that you’re imagining this ideal person, and if they don’t match your image, you end up feeling unhappy, while in fact, it is nothing to do with them, it’s all about your limitations.
You might even see their good actions as just trying to please you because their behaviour doesn’t fit your standards and ideas.
And what’s worse, your negative feelings can show through, and you might end up ruining a good thing because of these limitations, even if you want a great relationship with others.
When you have these beliefs, you often attract situations and people into your life to point out to you these limitations you hold and It’s really not to hurt you, but rather to help you notice what’s going on inside you and balance you.
One common mistake people make they reject these people or events that could potentially help them grow and clear these limits.
These beliefs can hurt you and affect your life in many ways. So, it’s important to work on getting rid of them and freeing your mind.
These beliefs aren’t just about others; they also affect how you see yourself. They hide the real you and how things truly are, which is often just neutral.
So, here’s a powerful method to find and let go of these beliefs. I use it myself, and it really helps. Here it is.
Step One: Ask Yourself a Powerful Question
Start by asking yourself a strong question:
“Why do I not want to have a good relationship with my partner?”
You can rephrase the question, but it should begin with “Why do I not…”
Keep asking this question until you find answers.
You’ll feel it inside when the answer comes because it’ll seem strange to you, as if you’ve been believing something untrue. When the answer arrives, it’ll feel different, like a lightbulb moment.
You’ll also notice that the answer is about you, not external circumstances.
Step two
Now that you know these beliefs you have just discovered, write them down and ponder upon them, asking yourself is it true.
Most often it is not true and it couldn’t be because that is what limits you from seeing how things truly are.
Once these beliefs surface and you see the absurdity of it tap yourself on the shoulder and say I am sorry that you had to hold this belief in your mind, please forgive me, thank you, and I love you.
Yes, you guessed, you have to say it to yourself and liberate yourself from the blame that may come as a result. Above I used the popular hooponopono.
You can question these limiting beliefs in different ways to make them invalid, however often it is enough just to see them surface and understand the absurdity of them.
Step three
Be compassionate to yourself following this mind operation as you may feel slightly dizzy. That is normal because with the release of the limiting belief you have liberated the energy that was feeding this belief all this time.
Now you do not need to make an opposite belief because if you do then you will have a swing in the opposite direction and you will rather create expectations. Having expectations always causes disappointment and depression, which is a swing to the opposite side and you may want to keep your mind neutral and rather see things for what they truly are.
Being neutral is the natural way of being and it is a way of having no judgment, expectations, limiting beliefs strong opinions or any other mind filters.
You are truly being yourself this way, without masks to please others.
We are all connected and the way we are, and think, creates a certain balance for all people.
The more of us are neutral and being ourselves the more peaceful energy is projected into our common field, so by simply being your true self you create a better environment for all.
I hope by using these powerful three steps you will begin creating some powerful experiences that may include expected and unexpected outcomes.
Use this powerful technique carefully and don’t abuse it as your mind and physical energy have to readjust each time you perform the clearing.
Have some extra sleep if you feel you want to, drink more water to allow your physical body to cleanse the toxins and walk in nature to allow your entire being to readjust.
I deeply believe information does not create a transformation so to really transform you have to do the work to reorganise and reintegrate all parts of your being into one well-working mechanism of the mind, body and spirit.
Please feel free to approach me if you feel you want to create a transformation in all areas of your life.