We have a choice and free will to do whatever we want, from creating and being creative to destroying our lives to making choices or disappearing from existence. The best choice is to fuze the free will given to us with the Will of Creator, and then we have a choice to grow and develop beyond thought possible.
– Our free will is given to us to choose to have our life entirely for ourselves, fulfilling our wishes, reaching our goals, consuming everything and everywhere we go, or discovering the Fragment of Creator, the Source and Centre within us and making wiser choices for the good of all.
– LOVE is the essence, the energy that flows through us if we act according to the will of the Source The Creator for us, It doesn’t flow to lives selfishly lived, it doesn’t flow when we think destructive thoughts, it doesn’t flow when we think about what we do not want, but it always flow when we entertain creative and creating thoughts for the good of all.
– The energy is the base of everything visible and invisible. Learn to shape and move this energy with your mind in your body, restore the flow and seemingly miracles happen in almost no time – the healing takes place.
– Energy is behind our thoughts, and our thoughts are material.
– I believe that we all have the potential to heal ourselves and others. Only this skill needs to be developed. To realize this ability one needs to learn to sense the energy and connect the mind to the body. One needs to silence the evolutionary self.
– The mind has to be emptied and maintained to guarantee smooth mental, emotional and spiritual health. It is like a computer that needs to be tuned up, optimized and updated to run smoothly.
– Thought formations affirmed intensively enough and crystallized into beliefs become running programs that either limit you or support you.
– Your beliefs can make you poor and rich, healthy or miserable.
– Your belief system shapes your priorities and runs your life, helps to unfold the potential or hide it from the realization.
– Limiting beliefs sabotages well-being and it is better, wiser and beneficial to release them by testing them. Correct them, and you will create a smooth and organic energy flow throughout your being. This, in turn, sorts out the psychological, mental issues and emotional traumas.
– We are the masters of our lives and the co-creators of our reality. The more conscious we become the more freedom and depth we may experience, the more freedom we experience the more responsibility we take for the consequences of our thoughts and our deeds.
Experience, knowledge, and help can come from various sources, do not have preconceptions.
Stereotypical thinking may keep you stuck and ignorant. Pay attention and soak everything that comes your way. You will be surprised at what you will discover and how much you still don’t.
The mind has to be kept empty and you have to become a master of your mind and take responsibility of your mind space.
Only compare yourself to yourself, never to others, everyone is unique and has its own purpose and destiny.
An opinion means stagnation. Allow the river of life to flow because life is in constant change and movement, what you think today may change tomorrow. Do not have strong opinions.
You have not yet mastered the universal laws of being If something in life still surprises you.
Be kind to everyone, and love everyone including wrongdoers. You may not agree with what they do but their essence comes from the same Source as yours. We all come from the same Creator.
Admit how you feel and do not lie to yourself, you will only create depression if how you feel and what you say differ.
Always forgive yourself and others, anger and upset are the deadliest poison to your life and well-being it doesn’t do much good to others either.
Master your vibration and seek to always feel good. Only this way you will create a happy life, not vice versa.
Envy and greed will carry you away from who YOU are, and then you will get lost in someone else’s dreams.
You do not need to be fixed, you only need to find your way back to your wholeness.
All answers are within you. Literally.
Observe life and ask only the questions that will bring you deeper to your core.
Ask long enough until the experience reveals the answers.
After all the questions end the real answers will emerge for you from everywhere.
Manage your expectations, If you expect a certain outcome, you will have a lot of disappointment. If you just do good for all without expectations, then good will flood you from all corners of life.
My life philosophy is formed through this experience:
- Practice and learn directly from the spiritual teacher while living with him.
- Practising energy exercises and meditation designed to transcend the body experience to the ultimate levels of freedom. I have practised that for the bigger part of my life. Energy feeling became an inclusive part of my everyday life and allows me to see clearly. it is in my habits and belief system.
- Traditional Chinese Medicine and Shiatsu Therapy studies gave an in-depth understanding of holistic human health.
- Nutritional studies gained while working with nutrition distribution companies.
- Healing methods that I have discovered while suffering from eczema.
- Traditional Japanese Shiatsu and Zen Shiatsu combination – the fusion of Oriental and Western medicine.
- Ninpo Martial Arts which I have studied for nine years enriched my life with a different kind of professional experience.
- Being a father of two children.
- Discovering Divine within and teaching others to do so.
- 5 years to date of intensive coaching and mentoring other people.